3 Minutes With Kent

Writing Excuses: Smart Promotion



https://writingexcuses.com/2021/02/21/16-8-smart-promotion/ Hey friends. So some of you may not know this but I am a hobbyist novel writer and I listen every week to a 15-minute podcast. Well, it actually they end up talking for like 25 minutes normally but they call it the 15 minutes long because you're in a hurry and we're not that smart but the episode for this last Sunday was episode 8 of season 16 and it's titled Smart Promotion and they're talking about promoting yourself as an author but I thought some of the things that they talk about in here. Are really really applicable to promoting yourself as a software engineer. And this isn't only if you want to be like a content creative or like me or anything like that, but just in general, how do you promote yourself so that you can have the flexibility and power to do the things do the work that you want to do? And that's all I wanted to share today is going to be a quick one. So, I'll provide a link to this episode in in the notes for this episode of three