

What would you do if you bought, paid for, and closed on a home only to have the seller REFUSE TO LEAVE? It’s more complicated (and possibly more common) than you might think. I’ve got the details and the answers in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 78. So you’d think that once you bought a home, paid the seller for it, and legally closed on the property (with the seller present, by the way), you’d own that property and be able to do with it pretty much as you wish, right? Wrong! As a Nashville homebuyer named Tamara is discovering, it turns out sellers can (and do) go rogue from time to time and refuse to move out of their homes even after they’ve pocketed their profits and signed over their deeds. I’ll tell you all about what happened and how to prevent it from happening to YOU in today’s episode, but first I want to mention a brand-new podcast that I think you’ll enjoy. One of our very first guests, Alex Pardo, a Miami wholesaler, has started his own podcast all about how he has created a