Do It For The Process

Level Up! Level Up!



Making Art Work is open through tomorrow!  Join us if you're ready for some massive growth in 2021   But first, let's take it back.  In 2010 when I officially began my fine art career I did NOT have an aspirational brand. I didn’t even know I had a brand (though, yes, I did — we all do). I was deeply undervaluing my work, my voice, my efforts, and, in doing so, I was also undervaluing my collectors. Think about it this way — if someone buys something for their home or themselves, they want to enjoy that thing. It matters to them.  They find pleasure in it.  In order to enjoy something, we have to VALUE it. When you know what you create and WHY it matters, you can easily and naturally share that love with your audience. So HOW do you elevate your work? Head consistently in the right direction. Know WHY you create and why that matters Understand your works value and aesthetic merits Recognize the overall impact your work is creating as a whole (this is your brand) Consistently raise your expectat