
287: The magic of completely sucking



As adults, we kind of stick to the things we’re good at and get out the habit of trying new things. It could be that we’re scared, or we lack time and energy. In this episode, we chat about the magic of sucking at stuff, being terrible at something and WHY it brings so much good to life. Stuff we talked about…Practicing self-acceptance allows you to go and try new things.Ego is what’s stopping us from experiencing new things. We’re afraid of self-judgment and external judgement. Do something just for pure fun even if you suck! Shake that booty. Dance. Surf. Paint. Rock climb. Meditate.Real-life doesn’t come with triple filters. Mic-drop. How can you bring more joy into your life by doing things that might be hard and that you might suck at?If you have questions, comments or feedback about this episode, send us an email at carla@themerrymakersisters.com or emma@themerrymakersisters.com or message us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts @themerrymakersisters.Join our 3-day C