Liberty Chronicles

Ep. 50: Social Class and State Power (with David M. Hart)



David M. Hart is the Director of Liberty Fund’s Online Library of Liberty. His latest book, Social Class and State Power, is a reader in libertarian class theory including documents from Richard Overton in the English Civil Wars all the way down to contributor Roderick Long.Further Reading:Hart, Chartier, Kenyon, and Long (eds.), Social Class and State Power: Exploring an Alternative Radical Tradition, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.David Hart, ed. Tracts on Liberty by the Levellers and their Critics (1638-1660), 7 Vols. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund. 2014. John Wade, The Extraordinary Black Book: An Exposition of Abuses in Church and State, Courts of Law, Representation, Municipal and Corporate Bodies; with a Precis of the House of Commons, Past, Present, and to Come. London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange. 1832. Republished by Liberty Fund.Music by Kai Engel See for privacy and opt-out information.