Power Health Talk With Dr. Martin Rutherford And Dr. Randall Gates

Blood Sugar – Functional Medicine Back to Basics



https://youtu.be/OAruI2Wyj1k In this episode of Functional Medicine Back to Basics Dr. Rutherford discusses blood sugar and why that is an important metric to monitor for people suffering from chronic health problems especially autoimmune issues. Note: The following is the output of a transcription from the video above. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Rutherford please visit http://PowerHealthConsult.com Hi I'm dr. Martin Rutherford, author of power, health back the basics clinic director here at power, health in Reno Nevada, and today we're, going to be talking about sugar. We're, going to be talking about blood sugar and I've. Give me a minute or two here: I'll. Tell you why we're talking about blood sugar and we're gonna be talking about every type of blood sugar, probably except for diabetes type one, because everybody's