Zera Today With Pastor Lorenzo Neal

Covid 19 One Year Later: How it has shifted the Church and People



It was roughly a year ago that Americans were becoming more aware of the Covid 19 as the virus quickly morphed into a global concern. We were learning that we would not be able to worship in person, and would be prohibited from attending large gatherings and even funerals for our friends and loved ones. A year later, vaccines have been created and are being distributed across the country, cases and hospitalizations are on the decline, states are beginning to lift some of the restrictions and mandates in favor of inciting growth and a return to normalcy. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses how this has impacted the church and what the church could possibly look like as we try to get back to normal. Thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring this broadcast. Join now for up to 40% off annual membership by clicking the link below and be sure to become a patron on Patreon on the link below https://skillshare.eqcm.net/c/1939542/1000759/4650" www.patreon.com/LorenzoTNeal