Highland Park Pres

Upside Down–Beatitudes: Poor in Spirit



Discussion Guide Scripture memory: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 Poor in Spirit – those who know they have nothing with which to get the kingdom of God. In the Bible the opposite of poor is not rich, the opposite of poor is violent, “those who take their life into their own hands.” (Darrell Johnson, The Beatitudes, p. 34) What stood out or encouraged you in this Sunday’s sermon? When you consider the above definition of poor in spirit, what does that make you think and believe about your own life? Are you poor or are you “violent” – longing to take control in your own life? How so? Read Luke 18:9-14, who do you most identify with and what do these verses show us about how being poor in spirit affects how we approach God? The promise to being poor in spirit is the kingdom of heaven – forgiveness of sin, wisdom, power, hope, joy, etc. How does envisioning the Kingdom of Heaven and its promises help loos