Knights Of Ren

32 - Tierlist 2.0 Part 2



A Word Of Warning: Adult content and explicit language in this episodeIn this week's super deluxe, mega packed, double issue we bring on Todd, Chris, Sugi, JimmyDeHand, Merzain, Kenny21, and Menion to talk about Tier rankings for Marvel Crisis Protocol. Enjoy the second half of our recording as the TAG team drinks more and we argue about Venom with our special phone-in guest. Menion refuses to give anyone a Tier 0 rating, and we discover Todd thinks Thor and Venom are in the same Tier bracket.We also released three new articles this week!Sugi and UtilityCookie breakdown the Criminal Syndicate in a deep dive of strengths, weaknesses, roster ideas and our top Crisis card picksTaskmaster was just spoiled by AMG and we do a full character analysis on how Taskmaster will fit into the metaCriminal Syndicate has access to one of the most impactful Tactic cards, All According To Plan. But how does this card empower the Syndicate?Check out TURN ZER0 Gaming:Facebook: http