

Are you looking to save money over time? You might be surprised at how much you can save with the right meal planning. You don't have to spend a lot of time putting together a meal plan, either. You may not even have to clip coupons. Erin Chase from $5 Dinners joins us to share her strategies for saving money and eating healthy with the help of meal planning. Important issues discussed in this episode: Do you have to clip coupons to save money on food? Simple strategies for meal planning. How to coordinate your schedule to work with saving money on meal planning. Ways to plan way ahead, including creating freezer meals. Tips for finding simple meals that your whole family will love. Panelists In This Episode: Erin Chase | $5 Dinners Glen Craig | Free From Broke Kyle Prevost | Young and Thrifty Miranda Marquit | Planting Money Seeds Peter Anderson | Bible Money Matters Tom Drake | MapleMoney