

Lauren Bowling from L Bee and the Moneytree joins us this week to explain why having multiple streams of income is quickly becoming not just a pleasant luxury, but for many young people at least, a real necessity in the quest for financial security.  Tune in as Lauren and the panel discuss not only why pumping up your bank account from several different sources is important, but to breakdown some strategies they’ve used in order to generate several different streams of income. Some important questions discussed in this episode: Do real people actually have “multiple streams of income” or is this just another thing for people with a net worth in the top 1%? If I have a second job am I already doing everything I can when it comes to diversifying my income sources? Tom’s tell us why his favorite quote is, “7-2 in the morning is plenty of time to do damage,”      by Gary Vaynerchuks. Are dividends and real estate doable as streams of