

No one ever lost money by sticking it in their mattress right?  On today’s episode Robert Farrington of The College Investor helps us explain why having your money work for you is much easier (and more fun) than working for your money.  We’ll help you cut through the noise and sales pitches so that you can focus on simple, easy-to-understand strategies for growing your nest egg. Some important questions discussed in this episode: Where do I begin when it comes to investing my money? What are the differences between bonds, CDs/GICs, stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds? Which investment vehicles are right for me? What in the world is an index fund and why does everyone on the show rave about them? Is there a relationship between risk and reward when it comes to investing?  How does that affect me and my investments? Ok, I know what I want to invest in, where do I actually make the investments as cheaply as possible? Panelists In This Ep