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Ep 003: Programming Since the Age of 2 w/ Rob Kaufman


Sinopse () Rob Kaufman has been programming since the age of 2, and hasn’t stopped since. He’s dedicated to helping businesses make the products they dream of into reality, and to learning and sharing as much about business and software as possible. Most recently, he’s been focused on sharing that knowledge with as many people as he can through (Learn), the San Diego developer’s boot camp. WORST MOMENT In the consulting side of the business, keeping some clients that you know you should have let go. I’ve always had a hard time letting go of projects. In startups, in particular, you have to let go of your failures. In consulting, it’s being able to let go of clients. HUGE SUCCESS My goal in high school was to start my own company by the age of thirty. I was able to start Notch8 at the age of 26, much earlier than what I had anticipated. Superpower Taking an idea and forming it into concrete actions. Kryptonite I get overloaded with