Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Scary Mommy's Jill Smokler



I've always been a huge fan of the Scary Mommy blog. It started right around when my twins were born, and helped me realize that I was doing things pretty well and that I probably wasn't going to totally screw up my children. Whew.It was a place I could go to read about other moms nightmares, forgotten children, terrible meals, dirty diapers and billions of things we all mess up on.... as well as the joy, laughter, and amazing moments.Jill is a genius in creating content. When she created the Mommy Confessionals, it took off like wild fire and took the blog into a totally new space with millions of subscribers and ad money pouring in. It's a safe and anonymous place to leave your "confession", get it off your chest and feel free of the burden.... while enjoying a good laugh or cry for sure.Jill shares her story, what it was like to talk about her own family and how the business grew, sold and what she's up to now.Quotes from Jill's Book Scary MommyI shall remember that no mother is perfect and my ch