Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Dunlop Boots to the Rescue



When you think of protective footwear you don't often think of a woman. At least I don't. I think differently now. Mary Steinbrunner is a woman leader in a man's world. She shares her story of working her way up the ladder from Marketing Assistant to General Manager of one of the worlds largest protective boot manufacturers in the world. While it might not seem sexy, Mary manages a large team and works hard to keep up with the latest technology in protective footwear to keep feet safe.Nicknamed "Wellies", I often think of the English when I hear this word as it is derived from the name of the boots worn by the British Aristocracy back in the early 19th century. Dunlop has certainly developed the "Wellie" beyond any 19th century boot makers wildest dreams.Dunlop has generously offered a 15% discount on boots to you listeners! Use code SarahShaw15 at checkout.More about MaryMary Steinbrunner, General Manager of Dunlop Protective Footwear -USA Division, has a strong background in Ma