Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Double Dip with Celsius Fitness Drink to Burn Fat



Catching up with John Fieldly, CEO of Celsius Fitness Drinks was a treat. John is a money guy who knows how to sell products.  Using influencer strategies, social media, and satisfied customers, they have built a loyal following of consumers who have become natural ambassadors of Celsius. Besides selling in gyms across the nation and on Amazon and their own e-comm site, Celsius is now available in Dicks Sporting Goods, Target and CVS.CELSIUS® is a Fitness Drink which is clinically proven to function. How? As a thermogenic, CELSIUS’ proprietary MetaPlus blend accelerates metabolism, increasing your body’s ability to burn fat and calories. There are only two ways a body burns fat: through increased heart rate and/or thermogenesis. Drinking CELSIUS and then going into motion is double dipping, you’re accelerating the burn and the results are even faster See for privacy and opt-out information.