Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Dial for Dollars: How to bring in more sales by expanding on your idea



Join me and Lisa Ascolese,The Inventress for an enlightening episode on how to think more broadly about your product line so that you can get into more stores and more magazines. In this episode we share ideas on how to think differently about your line. For example, if you make a skincare line and have a serum or oil based product, consider pitching to mountain resorts where the air is dryer and women need more moisture in the products they purchase.You can take this idea a step further by pitching to wellness magazines and local magazines (in the resort town) as they are always looking for products that solve a problem. Many creators think to narrowly and don't see a bigger pitch for themselves. Take a look at your line and see how you can spin it into a new category, or a new sales channel. See for privacy and opt-out information.