Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Dial for Dollars: How to turn a NO into a YES



Join me and Lisa Ascoles, The Inventress for anther episode of Dial for Dollars. Each week we bring you a technique to bring in more sales. This week we talk about how to turn a no into a yes. There are three stages of NO. The soft no, I'll think about it, the medium no, I'm not sure you've sold me yet, and the hard no, I'm not interested. In this episode, we share how to possibly turn that no into a yes over and over again. We also share how to determine which "level" of NO it really is and when to keep pursuing, and when to give up and move on to greener pastures.Bottom line, never take no for an answer until they tell you to lose their phone number.  See for privacy and opt-out information.