Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

From Drug Addiction to Saving Lives



From drug addiction to saving lives, Lisa dives in and tells it like it is. She got hooked on Oxy and that lead to many years as a heroin addict. Couch surfing, bar tending and on the verge of becoming a hooker, Lisa had her Ah-Ha moment and decided to change her life for good and checked into her 5th rehab. But this time was different, she made the choice on her own instead of her parents making it for her.  After kicking the addiction and wanting to make something of her life and use her experiences to help others change their lives, she started Path to Serenity.Drawing on her own experiences, Lisa has been successful in helping other addicts kick the habit, go on to lead successful lives and in the process become an entrepreneur.We talk about how overcoming addiction and the tools you learn to cope are very similar to being an entrepreneur and being able to pivot and move through growing pains to adapt.  See for privacy and opt-out information.