Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Copywriting Secrets to Help You Stand Out



Matthew Goldfarb has the gift of gab and a mind that literally SEES what you want to say, and knows how to translate that into killer copy. A good copywriter can help you create a sales page, a web page, or a whatever page, that evokes a visual of your product, and strikes an emotional cord with the reader to draw them into your world. Matthew gives some great advice in this interview and has generously offered to give you each a free a copy of his "5 Secrets to help you Stand out from the Corporate Schlock". PLUS – he is offering a free 20 minute conversation or review of your writing to help you improve your copy writing! After talking to him you may just decide to hire him!Hope you enjoy this interview and take advantage of Matthew's generous offer. See for privacy and opt-out information.