Get A Street Smart Mba With Sarah Shaw

Boost Sales with Trademarks and Copyrights



A client I worked with last year recently contacted me to tell me that someone in her small town was actually copying her product that is patent pending. After commiserating with her, I remembered this post I did over a year ago on this exact topic. After revisiting the story, the memories came flooding back and I wanted to share this with you again as it is so important to protect yourself whenever possible. I of course did not have "patent pending" status, but the situation is very similar.Protecting your idea can also be integral to your marketing and sales plan. For instance, I was contacted by a large catalog in Japan who wanted to sell my Handy Hold All™ but they required that I file a Trademark in Japan for my Simply Sarah brand so no one could copy it. Since it was around $3,000-4,000 to file, I made sure I had the purchase order in tact and a deposit prior to filing. Just be aware of your options at all times so you can always be on the lookout for your next big deal!I took it a few steps furthe