Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with James Breckenridge, Script Consultant



James Breckenridge, script consultant, has worked in the entertainment industry for over 25 years. In 1995, he founded of The PlayCrafters Group. As its Director, he specializes in helping writers from all over the country develop producible scripts for motion pictures, television and theatre. Through creative counseling and objective feedback, he encourages writers to focus on the essential elements of their stories.  His script development service has been rated in the Top Ten and recommended as the Best Of The Best Buys in Creative Screenwriting Magazine’s review of leading script consultants from all around the country In addition to private coachings and consultations, James has created a number of Courses and Workshops for the beginning as well as the advanced screenwriter. Some of the most popular include Screenwriting Essentials, First Steps: Dramatic Steps to a Dynamic Screenplay and Pitching: Five Minutes to Fame. He has taught for The Bryn Mawr Film Institute, the Bucks County Writer’s Room, The