Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat Shares Success Tips for You to Use



Success Tips. Yes this may be different than what you expect. We were to have Nick Vallelonga, director, (PT 2) producer, writer, actor, as guest today, and at last minute had to postpone show. So after I made a few announcements I went on to share some of my thoughts on how to be successful and happy as filmmakers or simply as people. You can implement these powerful practices for shaping your thinking, your feelings and behaviors to get in alignment and move your career forward, and to enjoy more in life. I offer practical powerful things you can think and do that make an incredible difference for how you move through you day and your life. It was a spontaneous talk on my part but comes from decades of applying and sharing this approach world wide. Listen, enjoy and take away with you something useful. Repeated listening each day or week can be very useful. I apologize our show changed today but I am happy to share with you a tiny taste of my thoughts and feelings and practices about making your dreams co