Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats with director Edmond Coisson



Edmond G. Coisson (director)  is founder of the Naperville Independent Film Festival (NIFF). NIFF is now qualifying to be one of the 64 festivals recognized by the Academy Awards.  After stepping away from directing for the past several years to create NIFF, he is excited to get back into the directing chair and create a thrilling movie ride that keeps you guessing.  Edmond’s production company, Our Path Productions, was created in 1994 to develop a series of character driven films. Precious Mettle is the first of these  and is a story about second chances and the personal journey we must all walk in life. Edmond was born in Torre Pellice, Italy, and became fascinated by a TV drama at the age of 7. He went to the only theater in town, every Sunday after noon. Sometimes, watching the same film for weeks. As a teen, he had a few parts in local theater, where he was involved in summer plays. He wrote his first screenplay at age 17. He traveled all over Europe, working as a waiter, welder, carpenter, plasterer, a