Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats w consultant Adam Levenberg



Adam Levenberg, screenwriter consultant. Adam is one of Hollywood's most in demand screenwriting consultants and turned his experience working with unrepresented screenwriters into his book “The Starter Screenplay”. As a reader for USA Films, Adam recommended scripts such as “Hollywoodland” and “Sylvia”, which were both produced by the studio. After working as a Creative Executive for Intuition Productions (“The Stepford Wives”, “Passengers”) Adam moved on to One Race Films (“XXX”, “The Pacifier”, “Find me Guilty”, “Fast & Furious”) where he became the company's Development Executive. As an independent consultant, Adam's clients now include one of Hollywood's biggest producers as well as a legendary Academy Award winning actor. Adam is a graduate of the USC School of Cinematic Arts with a degree in Critical Studies. He is now host of “The Official Screenwriting Podcast” and runs officialscreenwriting dot com. Stay tuned to Rex Sikes' Movie Beat for other great archived interviews, cast and crew listings,