Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex SIkes Movie Beat chats w director Rubin Whitmore ll



Rubin Whtimore ll, director, has lectured on media’s impact on society and his music videos experiences at numerous universities. He is a veteran filmmaker with close to one hundred film projects, from documentaries to music videos. Rubin has amassed over fifteen gold, platinum and multi-platinum plaques for producing and directing music videos and currently directs music videos under the pseudonym Ali Baba. He was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and by the age of 13 he had created a bunch of video shorts in various genres from suspense to westerns and sci-fi. Rubin is pursuing his masters of fine art in Digital Cinema and master’s in English at National University in California. His bachelor’s in Radio/TV/Film is from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, where he was nominated outstanding young alumni and was part of the team that won a student academy award during his undergraduate years. While at UW-O he created their first music video television show, the second longest running television program