Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats with actress Kristen Nedopak PT2



Kristen Nedopak, (PT2), Creator, Actress, Host of several popular series and films, including The Skyrim Parodies, Outta This World: The Art of Fantasy & Sci-Fi, PUCKER and The Wheel of Time News. In early 2012, Skyrim: To Lydia with Love (2012 Dragon*Con Film Festival official selection) gained Nedopak recognition, and she has since then managed a successful IndieGoGo Campaign to fund six more parodies currently in post-production. She is partnering with Jedi Camp Director Bill Ostroff to create The Geekie Awards, an awards event for geek artists, cosplayers, filmmakers and more. Kristen is the co-creator/host of the original series Fight Class, where she works with movie swordmasters to recreate popular fight scenes from film and television; and a host/producer of the popular geek show Think Hero TV, partnering with major networks such as HBO, Starz, SyFy and The WB/CW to cover all things geeky on TV. Kristen can be seen on the cover of Faery World Magazine for her one-of-a-kind costume creations, and i