Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats with producer Jason Brubaker PT 2



Jason Brubaker, producer, PT 2, is passionate about helping other filmmakers make their movies and apply proven marketing strategies to reach a global audience through new movie distribution models. He's over a decade of movie making experience, and has produced numerous shorts and THREE feature films including (Special Dead 2006, Rattle Basket 2007 and Toxic Soup 2009). Jason is a contributing author of The Independent’s Guide to Film Distributors (2009 Independent Media Publications), and founder of Filmmaking Stuff, an educational resource for independent filmmakers and screenwriters.  Brubaker has has lectured on these subjects to filmmakers from around the globe at the Maine Media Workshops. Brubaker began his movie making career paying his dues at a small market production company in Pennsylvania. In January 2002 Jason took a bite out of the Big Apple (NYC), where he worked in story development for an independent producer. There he read hundreds of screenplays, learned how to raise money for movies and