Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats w ent. attorney Gordon Firemark



Gordon Firemark began his career working behind the scenes in film, television and theatre.  Now, as an entertainment lawyer, that's still what he does.  As an attorney whose practice is devoted to the representation of clients in film, television and theatre, he helps producers, directors, writers, actors and other industry professionals make deals that make sense, and that get their productions developed, financed, produced and distributed.   His practice also covers intellectual property, cyberspace, new media, business, and corporate matters for clients in the entertainment industry. As the producer and host of the Entertainment Law Update Podcast, he provides a monthly roundup of news and commentary about the field of entertainment law for artists and professionals in the industry.  He also teaches producers, business people and lawyers about entertainment legal issues at Loyola Marymount University, Southwestern Law School and  the Theatre Producer Academy. Mr. Firemark holds a B.A. in Radio, Television