Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats with producer director Ken Mora



Ken Mora, producer/animator, is best known for creating the computer-animated short films Magnum Farce: A Shot in the Park (2009) and Magnum Farce: Along Came a Sniper (2011). His company, Bella Fe Films, is currently producing the feature film Magnum Farce with an expected release date of 2013. Ken is executive producer of Adventures In Plymptoons the biographical documentary of animator Bill Plympton by produced and directed by Alexia Anastasio in 2009. He is a relative newcomer to film, having established a career in Art Direction, then E-Commerce. In 2003 he completed his first feature-length screenplay won several script competition awards, and gained him representation and an option. The following year, Ken left his career and established Bella Fe Films. Ken completed two more scripts by the time his first option expired. Magnum Farce, his second script, won multiple awards so Ken then proceeded to adapt a short from his script, and by degrees built the infrastructure for self-production using the examp