Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats w casting dir LaQuanda Plantt



LaQuanda Plantt, Casting Director, a graduate of The Art Institute of Atlanta, began Scriptwriting and Casting while obtaining her degree, equally sharing a passion for both skills. After graduation in 2008, LaQuanda obtained an Internship with Atlanta Talent Network. During her time with Last Looks Inc (casting director George Pierre's company), she had the opportunity to work with Rainforest Films on a “Tyler Perry Meet the Brown” Promo that aired on TBS.  LaQuanda was an Assistant with Last Looks Inc for nine months before starting her own company. LaQuanda founded ElleQ Casting.  Since its launch, LaQuanda has cast numerous projects, that include SAG, as well as, non union independent features, short films, music videos, and television pilots.  A few of her projects include “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do”, which is now available on DVD, a television pilot entitled “A.T.L.: Above The Law”, “Probable Cause” (a feature film currently in post production), and “Osiris the Series” a web series which she also serves