Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex SIkes Movie Beat chats w director Cassidy McMillan PT2



Cassidy McMillan, PT 2  directed wrote and produced the documentary film on bullying and bullycide “Rats & Bullies”, which is currently garnering awards in the festival circuit. She holds a degree in Communications/Broadcast Journalism and has worked as an investigator for global corporate and entertainment companies where she conducted hundreds of criminal investigations, and arrested subjects for various types of crimes. When she learned of the North American precedent setting bullycide case on the “Oprah Winfrey Show” of a 14 year old girl who took her life by hanging herself with a dog’s leash due to bullying, she was compelled to tell the story in a documentary and feature film in order to prevent more teens from taking their life. Cassidy acquired the life rights to the story and set out to make the projects happen. “Rats & Bullies” was filmed in Canada; Washington D.C.; and California. The film completed post-production in 2011, and is being met with critical acclaim. Additionally, she wrote th