Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with stuntman Christopher Hadley



Christopher Hadley's (stunt perfromer)  The first Stunt Coordinator Chris worked with is John DePasquale, who got him a job as a  precision driver on "Fair Game".  Chris had a great time simulating traffic and watching stunt performers like Grady Bishop, Bob Brown, Chick Bernhardt, Jeff Cadiente, Jim Churchman, John Zimmerman,Chuck and Steven Picerni and stunt legends Glen Wilder and Debbie Evans. At this point he knew that this was his passion and that he was going to pursue stunts as a career.  He then did a couple films at Full Sail and UCF which led into a situation where he got to choreographed a fight scene. Christopher assisted DePasquale on a German Film with Marine and Stunt Coordinating. Chris met Grady Bishop and ended up going through the Extreme Stunt and Precision Driving clinic, where he was awarded best overall driver by the other drivers and started to get put to work more and more through Grady and other Stunt Coordinators and Professionals including Dave Kramer and Chief Craig Clarke. Chris