Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes Movie Beat chats with agent Phil Brock



Phil Brock, Talent Agent, opened his own talent management firm, the Studio Talent Group, in 1995.  The STG client list includes many actors whose professional careers have flourished under his guidance. Clients include Richard Moll (Night Court), Charlene Tilton (Dallas), Irwin Keyes (Intolerable Cruelty, The Jeffersons, The Flintstones), and Brett Stimely (Watchment, Transformers: Dark Of The Moon), STG also represents a few screenwriters. The Studio Talent Group is both a management firm and a state-licensed agency.  This format allows Phil and his associates to combine thorough career shaping management with the legal credential to submit actors on projects, negotiate and sign contracts. Phil had a successful career as an actor. He is a proud member of SAG, AFTRA, AEA and the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Today Phil is in high demand as a speaker on the business of acting in the entertainment industry at universities and dramatic academies throughout the country. Phil is also president of the T