Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex SIkes' Movie Beat chats with director Pen Densham



Pen Denshama writer, producer, director,  prefers to think of himself as a filmmaker. At nineteen he moved to Canada, where he directed commercials and documentaries, working with Marshall McLuhan. He joined John Watson and gainedAcademy Award nominations for the documentary LIFE TIMES NINE. In total the duo received over seventy international awards for their works. IF WISHES WERE HORSES, Pen wrote and directed, won fourteen awards and was reviewed by TV Guide as the best film of any length shown on Canadian Television.  It brought Densham's work to the attention of Norman Jewison who, with Telefilm, sponsored his move to Hollywood. In Hollywood, Pen and John founded the Trilogy Entertainment Group. They acted as creative consultants on ROCKY II, and FOOTLOOSE.  In 1988 Pen directed  THE KISS, for Tri-Star.  In 1990, Densham and Watson sold their spec script for ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES, and produced the film for Morgan Creek and Warner Brothers. They produced BACKDRAFT with Ron Howard directing. Pen wr