Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with documentary producer/director Bob Hercules



Bob Hercules is an award-winning producer/director and co-owner of Media Process Group—a Chicago-based production company. Hercules received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Western Michigan University’s School of Communication in 1979 and his Master of Arts degree in Film from the University of Michigan in 1983. Hercules’ work has been seen widely on PBS, the Discovery Channel, IFC, The Learning Channel and through television syndication nationwide. His newest documentary, Radical Disciple: The Story of Father Pfleger, chronicles the iconoclastic priest, Mike Pfleger, whose confrontational methods to fight racism has put him in direct conflict with the Catholic hierarchy. Premiered at the 2009 Black Harvest Film Festival. Hercules 2007 film, Senator Obama Goes to Africa, was released on DVD by First Run Features and has run on television stations in over 100 countries. The film is a chronicle of Obama’s momentous 2006 diplomatic trip to Africa, including a stop at his late father’s homeland near Kisumu,