Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with actor/writer/director Nick Mancuso Pt 3



Nick Mancuso Pt 3 and I will continue our discussion on creativity, movies, acting and art and who knows what else will come up in this conversation. The legendary critic Walter Kerr of the New York Times called Mancuso’s performance in Merchant of Venice at Stratford Ontario one of the best interpretations of the role of Bassanio in 250 years. In the late 80’s the Los Angeles Times referred to Mancuso as "A Renaissance Man" and Kevin Thomas called his performance in "Ticket To Heaven" one of the best performances of the decade. He has garnered acting awards in Canada, the U.S.A. and in Europe. He has worked in over 10 countries and in three languages having starred opposite legendary performers such as Sophia Loren, Catherine De Neuve and Charlton Heston. In Hollywood he has been called "an actors actor" and "one of the best" by icon producer Robert Evans, producer of "Chinatown" and "Love Story". In 1983 he was invited to become an associate of the Actors Studio by co-chairman, actor, Martin Landau. During