Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with Heroes actor David H Lawrence XVll



David H Lawrence XVll After a 30 year career on radio in markets from New York to San Francisco to satellite and network, David H. Lawrence XVII decided to make a change. He hung up his headphones and retired from hosting 3 network/satellite radio shows to head to Los Angeles, to concentrate solely on acting in front of the camera. This new phase of Lawrence's performance career seems to fit him like a glove. The Cleveland native is seen on TBS' Frank TV, CBS' legendary CSI and military thriller The Unit, and his breakout role as one of the Villains, puppet master Eric Doyle on NBC's smash hit Heroes, has sci-fi fans and the media buzzing. Lawrence also stars in new media as well, a series regular on the webisodic hit Goodnight Burbank playing Frank, the cable station's lecherous general manager. As a new media expert, David Lawrence was heard nightly as the wacky, eclectic and highly opinionated host of The David Lawrence Show, and weekend Online Tonight, both nationally syndicated radio talk shows that r