Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with location scout and author Tim Moshansky



Tim Moshansky Celebrating his 20th year in the film industry, Tim Moshansky knows a little about how a film or TV show is put together. In 1989 Tim worked on (at that time) the biggest show ever shot in North America, the 16th Century Japanese Samurai epic "Heaven and Earth" (Ten To Chi To). Tim was a "Squad Sergeant" in charge of 40 extras on a film that featured over 2000 foot-soldiers and 500 horses with riders, all in Samurai costumes. Since 1995, Tim has worked as a location scout for dozens of films, commercials and TV series. From the highest rooftops to underground tunnels, and from the grungiest alleyways to the snazziest penthouse apartments and mansions, Tim has scouted it all. In the midst of all this, Tim found the time to write and publish the A to Z Guide to Film Terms, a pocket-sized guide to over 750 terms and phrases used by directors, producers, and film crews. Now in its 4th edition, the book is required reading at many film schools and training centers across Canada and the United S