Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat chats with script supervisor Bruce Resnick



Continuity is incredibly complex and important on a movie shoot. It requires a good, if not great script supervisor who works closely with the director. Bruce Resnick has 69 credits to his name as script supervisor beginning with the feature "The Man In The Iron Mask". Other credits include "Miss Castaway", "Lost", "Heaven's Fall", "National Lampoon's Dorm Daze & Dorm Daze 2", many more and the recently completed "No God No Master" starring Academy Award nominee David Straithairn. Script Supervisor Bruce Resnick - In his own words: I have been living and working in Los Angeles as a script supervisor for over the past 12 years. I have worked on both features and in television. They have included the features “Edmond”, “Labor Pains” and the recently completed film “No God No Master” as well as the TV series “Watch Over Me” for the then newly created Fox channel MyNetwork and the Disney channel’s “Even Stevens”. Prior to moving to Los Angeles and becoming a script supervisor I was an Equity Stage Man