Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat Chats With Hollywood agent Matt Gogal about career building Pt. 2



Part 2 Whether you are a successful working professional actor or just starting out you need to listen to Pt. 2. On Movie Beat you will get the secret advice you need to know to advance your career. Rex Sikes’ Movie Beat is excited to continue conversation with agent Matt Gogal about how you can work the system inside and outside of Hollywood to advance your career as an actor. Listen in as Rex and Matt discuss when and how to go about motivating & keeping your agent. The value of team work and what YOU can do. How to and how not to network. Should you work Background - yes or no? Union or non- union. Matt will share with you what you need to know. What if you decided you want to become an agent too - what can you do? Visit: MOVIE BEAT at