Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

150: Making the Planet Personal (#3 of 3 in Redefining Our Relationships Series)



If you and I change how we think about our relationship with the planet, we will find a lot of power and wisdom to make positive change in simple but profound ways. In the last of our three part series on redefining our relationships, we dive into our relationship with the planet... which can sound kind of vast, and esoteric, but I can promise is you is indeed profound. It really is often the subtle places - if you know where to look and what inquiries to make bring you the most powerful shifts. Both in your larger perspective that guides your bigger life choices and in the practical everyday and how you feel within your life during this intense time on the planet. Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, author and teacher, for this episode of Feminine Power Time: Making the Planet Personal. What is Your Relationship to the Planet? Just that question alone is a mind shifter and consciousness elevator ... my relationship with the planet... hmmm, what would become possible if you were intentional