Cosmic America

80. Band - The Black Crowes



Following the Three Snakes and One Charm tour, the Black Crowes toured extensively, then pulled things back in to record a new album, entitled either "Band" or "The Band" depending on who you ask. The album was in some ways a continuation of the quieter approach on Three Snakes, but also went into some new and different directions, with more acoustic and country influences and less outright rock numbers. It showed off some interesting melodic twists to the group's classic formula, while maintaining Rich Robinson's rocksteady riffs as the core of most of the songs.Unfortunately, the album was rejected by the label, and started a chain of events that would see the Crowes lose 33% of their lineup and undergo a complete change in direction as far as their sound was concerned. The album was resurrected a decade later as part of the "Lost Crowes" CD release, which featured a complete and reproduced version of the album. And it's pretty good! We dive into this still-hidden gem and go track-by-track.