3 Minutes With Kent

How to know when you're done testing something



Hey your friends So I am going to for the next couple days answer some questions that I got in an email from somebody. I don't know how to pronounce this name. It looks like pejor or push actor. I'm not sure they're from the Netherlands. And anyway, they actually wrote me quite a nice email about testing JavaScript.com and just had some additional questions because the course mostly goes into the how to get things done and that doesn't get as much into like some of the philosoph well it actually yeah, we we get into that a bit. But there's no like specific lesson on how to write your code, so it's testable or whatever. So anyway, um, most of that knowledge I share on my blog. So if you go to Cansee dots.com slash blog and then type in test then you'll see I've got dozens of blog posts about testing and so that's kind of where I direct people to for when they have questions like this, but I thought I just answered a couple of these on the three-minute podcast. So for this first one, the question is what should