Hot Better Pop Radio

Episode #007: Healthy Eating, Part 1...The Mindset



Many of our listeners have requested that we do an episode on "Healthy Eating". We had so much fun talking about healthy eating and healthy food that it turned into a 2-parter! In today's episode, we lay the foundation for healthy eating by talking about the MINDSET of healthy eaters.  Here at Hot Better Pop, we don’t define ourselves by any one nutrition label, we believe there are many paths to health - vegan, paleo, gluten-free, omnivore, etc. Our Hot Better Pop definition of healthy is to eat in a way that makes you feel good physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Nutrition is very individualized and what we think is MOST important is knowing yourself, tracking to create a mind-body connection, and just having awareness of the connection of how what you eat impacts how you feel.  We hope you enjoy part one and stay tuned for next week Tuesday's episode, "Healthy Eating, Part 2...The Food!" Links and Resources mentioned in this episode: Jodie Ching's Blog, Fortuna,