Hot Better Pop Radio

Episode #006: What's the Deal with Mercury Retrograde?



Kimi and Pua discuss everyone’s favorite astrological scapegoat and share useful Mercury Retrograde tips that can be used everyday to create a life you love!  Episode #005: Mercury Retrograde Show Notes Rather than letting a few hiccups get in the way, Pua and Kimi took control of the situation and went surfing together, which turned into a brainstorming session. What is Mercury Retrograde? From a scientific standpoint, it is the motion of the planet Mercury as it slows down and appears to stop and move backwards. From an astrological standpoint, (according to Alice Inoue) Mercury rules certain things like communication and technology and when it is in retrograde, everything goes haywire so that there are mix ups and miscommunications. People may have a hard time explaining themselves or understand something differently. Alice says that you do not have to believe it to experience it. Friends Episode where Ross and Phoebe argue about Evolution and Gravity Mercury Retrograde happens 3-4 times a year for about 3