
288: You are allowed to take up space



We’re so excited to be back in your ears. We had a break, took some space and time to reflect, to get the creative juices flooowwwing. The funny thing is that in the episode we chat space, which is also this month’s theme inside the MerryBody Studio (which we planned a few months ago! MAGIC).Stuff we talked about…You can look at ‘space’ in so many different ways. For Carla, space means stillness, silence, creating space inward. For Emma, it means being louder, more opinionated and speaking and living your truth.When your mind is full of BS (eg. self hating thoughts), there is no space for the great ideas, creation and magic.FOMO (fear of missing out) and fear of inaction prevent us from taking space.Space will also help you realise that it’s not all about “me…me…me” but “we…we…we”.Take a moment to reflect on what kind of space you might need. Whether it’s slowing down, silence and taking a break OR taking up more space to show the true YOU.If you have questions, comments or feedback about this episode, s