Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Carly Hudson leading a Healing Ground Movement for Wellness – eps 194



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am happy to introduce you to Dr. Carly Hudson who is leading a Healing Ground Movement for Wellness. In this Episode: Carly’s inspiring story before becoming a successful chiropractor and her journey to the world of wellness The difference between lifestyle medicine and self-care The non-negotiable foundation of daily self-care and its importance The impact of being in a safe community and how it helps people heal & recover As an infant, Dr. Carly suffered a devastating and life-threatening illness. She was left with “invisible handicaps” including balance disorders, muscle spasticity, and hearing loss. She had to begin again to learn how her body worked and so began her path of life-long learning and healing. With the gift of this injury, Dr. Carly has spent her life exploring how deliberate self-care impacts our mind, body, and spirit. Now a successful chiropractor with additional certification in massage, yoga, and exercise therapy, Dr. Carly helps hundreds of patien