Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Aline Smithson - Lenscratch, mothers & velour tracksuits



As you know I've come across a lot of artists through the website and do urge you all to check it out.  Recently Karen Constine recommended I talk with the founder of the resource - Aline Smithson, so that's what I did.  After reaching Aline, was only to happy to chat. Another lovely person who is all about giving, sharing information and providing a free resource for everyone. It's a hell of an effort to write regular and find time for your work too (i know this).  But after 14 years, Aline is still going strong and now has a team of writers alongside her.  What is unusual about this site is everything here is free and it was done this way on purpose and all the staff are volunteers too.  Very commendable they provide this for others. Aline is a not only a talented photographer but her roots are in painting, so you will see some of this in her photography.  What I really liked was the different projects she has worked on and some of these are just so much fun. &