All About Your Benjamins

The Pursuit–Unexpected Signs And The Importance Of Planning



In this week's episode of The Pursuit I briefly put my financial advisor hat on to discuss the importance of financial planning for your pursuit and share how a financial advisor, who understands you have bigger aspirations that retirement and college planning, can help not only identify what you value the most, but help you align your finances with your pursuit. It's a little self-serving as this is the type of planning we do at RLS Wealth but I share this because it is important for your personal pursuit and to let you know there are more financial advisors taking this approach to planning--help is out there, you just need to know where to look. If you need help finding the "right" advisor to help you with your pursuit, let me know--I know plenty and would happily connect you with the advisor I think would be best to assist you. Before we get to the importance of planning, I share some thoughts about how along your pursuit opportunities, conversations, and even chapters of a book present themselves at the